Saturday 22 May 2010

A few snaps of Zambia and Zimbabwe

Waiting for a lift by the main road, Sioma, Western Zambia

Shanti chilling out at the Boiling Pot, the bottom of Vic Falls, Zambia

Sun set over the Zambezi, Western Zambia

Transport on the Zambezi

Awaiting passengers to make the 3 hour journey down the Zambezi from Senanga to Sioma, Western Zambia

The Litunga (King of the Lozi tribe) arriving at his winter palace

Leading the Litunga's party

The Litunga's boat

The Queen's boat

Lozi people coming out to see their king off

Taxi party in Harare, Zimbabwe

And then we made it to the club - in a field

Baboons eating our food and riffling through our passports, Livingstone, Zambia

Last night of freedom in Lusaka, celebrating a belated birthday for Paulo

Birthday boy

Snack time

My new partner, Mercy

So for the past two weeks I've just been back in the village, trying to set up various things again. As usual everything is pretty slow moving, but at least things are happening.

There have been a few weird happenings as well, just to remind me that Zambia is certainly different from the outside world.

Firstly was our opening staff breifing. Corporal punishment and child abuse were on the agenda, so I felt really good, expecting the headmistress to say something positive against hitting the pupils. Instead she warned the teachers not to hit pupils as a parent had complained. Teachers should bring the pupils to her to beat as she knew where to hit them so it wouldn't show. Sigh...

The second was a sign in the district hospital for religious healing of sick people, including those suffering from HIV/AIDS. If the clinical officers think HIV can be cured through prayer then no wonder the HIV rate is rising in Mumbwa.

Thirdly the interest from the men of Mumbwa in me hasn't decreased. At least I know if I fear being an old maid I can come here and find a husband in a matter of minutes. Unfortunatly this means there is a constant stream of extremely annoying men on my door step, and even telling them I'm already married doesn't put them off. One even said it didn't matter, he wouldn't mind if I was just his girlfriend. Typical. Now I see why this place has so many problems with HIV and STIs.

The other big news is that I have a new partner, Mercy. She is 22 and from northen Zambia. She is a trainee primary school teacher. So far we haven't hit it off, but its early days yet... Finger crossed!

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