Saturday 30 January 2010

End of Training

Free time teaching some national vols to swim

My partner Eunice

This week has been good, we have found where we are going, I am off to Mumbwa in the south of Central Province, about 4 hours drive from Kabwe. Other than that I know very little about where I am going, but I'll find out soon as I'm off on Monday.

Hilight of the week has been the Mr and Mrs competition, where we all had to cross dress and then compete in a dancing competition. And guess what - I came second! Everyone keeps asking me to teach them to dance - hilarious!

Today I am off shopping, trying to buy everything me and my partner need to set up house with just over 7 pounds - which is proving tricky. I thing I will try and pack some emergency jam and crackers supplies into my pack....


  1. ha! a dancing country taking dancing tips of ursula, hilarious! you should teach them the venus dance. Sounds like your coping well though, miss you lots but glad you're having such a great expereince,
    Alex x

  2. and oh oh, I soooo almost forget to say happy birthday! So happy birthday for yesterday, hope you weren't too home sick! x
