Wednesday 30 December 2009

The medical supplies

Monday 21 December 2009

T minus 1 week.

Packing for the great adventure is well underway, with the spare room bed disappearing under the mountain of kit. Embarrassingly, a great proportion of this 'kit' appears to be toiletries of various forms and a large quantity of concealer and mascara, despite numerous people suggesting such luxuries won't be necessary.

As well as mascara the list of what I have to fit in my bag seems endless:

250 malaria tablets

62 paracetamols

Hannah Montana tissues (thanks Mummy)

Water filter

Solar charger
Assorted 'hippy' pants

Travel towel

A mini library to keep myself entertained, including volumes 2 and 3 of Proust to try and maintain some intellectual though

iPod and speakers for some impromptu parties in the hut

Garlic granules and some Italian herbs (another Mummy addition) to liven up the diet of maize

An emergency supply of mini Green & Blacks, for those moments of panic that are sure to happen, and where chocolate is the only answer

Anything I've forgotten?

A massive thank you for everyone who has supported me so far, you have helped me raise an amazing £3600 for Student Partnership Worldwide, which will go towards projects in 50 villages in central Zambia. I'm not exactly sure where exactly I will be based yet, but it will be somewhere rural, most likely without running water or electricity, and linked to a school and a number of community groups. My main responsibilities will be teaching structured lessons on Life Skills, mainly health and HIV/AIDS awareness, in schools, running a youth information centre and organizing community events to promote HIV/AIDS awareness. Not too sure how all of these things are going to happen yet, but I'm sure I'll learn on the job. I will try to keep updating the outside world of my progress, although I can't promise any contact will be regular, due to lack of internet, electricity and a PC.

And please keep me updated with news of the outside world!

Peace out